Ratings Information
D1 Level Horse Management/Riding Test Sheet - Binder needs to have a fully completed stall card (D1 stall card), and the Clubber must explain why it's important. - D1 Standards of Proficiency
D2 Level Horse Management/Riding Test Sheet - Binder needs to have the horse information and a photo, contact for the vet and farrier, feeding information, and schedule.
D3 Level Horse Management/Riding Test Sheet - Binder needs to have a 3 month record with information from D2 listed above plus a dated list of routine (shots, farrier, worming, dentist, etc) and schedule (including grooming clinics, shows, rides, etc) It can be a made up schedule.
Record Book Requirements (listed for each level)
USPC Health & Record Maintenance Book Template (D2 and up)